Vedant Vyas Logo Image
Vedant Vyas

Hey, My name is Vedant Vyas

Vedant Vyas Logo Image

About Me


Jan 2024 - Present

Software Engineer Intern

  • Working on optimization for OS for High performance switches in Arista
  • Wrote library code that is independent of hardware and will be used to monitor jobs completion time, and created histograms for detailed analysis.

Mar 2023 - Jan 2024

Deep Learning Intern at AMII

  • As part of the NLP group, I am a member of various reading groups (Meta learning, Neural Net optimization etc.,)
  • I am currently exploring some new novel ways to improve knowledge distillation between sequence to sequence transformers.

May 2023 - Dec 2024

Machine Learning Engineer (NRC CAN & CCG Ualberta)

  • Working on a joint project with NRCCAN & CCG to train a Vision model to identify tree species using lidar data.
  • Project’s goal is to identify susceptibility for various trees in impacted regions to burn during wildfire, which can assist firefighters

Sep 2022 - Apr 2023

Teaching Assistant at University of Alberta

  • Teaching assistant for Algorithms course, which mainly teaches design and analysis of algorithms along with Data Structures.
  • As a TA for CMPUT 204 (Algorithms 1) & CMPUT 272 (Discrete Math), I conducted seminars and graded student assignments.
  • As a TA for MATH 228 (Ring Theory), I graded assignments and helped students by answering their questions.

Apr 2022 - Aug 2022

Research Assistant at Compilers Design & Optimization Lab, UAlberta

  • Research Assistant under Dr Nelson Amaral and Dr João Paulo Labegalini de Carvalho.
  • Worked on a unified MLIR dialect in collaboration with IBM that will allow the use of IBM MMA operations in MLIR to boost matrix multiplication operations which aim at improving the speed of compilation.
  • Development work with IBM was done in C++ and tablegen, where I wrote a new MMA dialect in C++.
  • Worked on the creation of assembly (Risc-V) coursework over the summer, that included writing grading scripts using multithreading and shell, using python to create animations, and lastly writing a solution in RISC-V machine instructions.

Apr 2022 - Aug 2022

Co-founder at Arcane Lost

  • Blogging website started with a friend of mine.
  • Managed a team of six, where we had weekly scrum meetings.
  • Wrote custom CSS, Javascript, and content for the website.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Vedant Vyas and I'm a fourth year Honors Computer Science student studying at University of Alberta. I am passionate about mathematics, machine learning & software development. I am happy to collaborate on any interesting software or research project. Feel free to reach out to me for collaboration.

Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

Android Studio
Web Development

Projects Here are some interesting projects I have worked over the years.

Research Projects Here are some interesting Research projects I have worked recently.

Contact Feel free to email me or contact me on linkedin. I am always open to new opportunities & collaboration. You can even use the contact form below

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